
Temos unha asignatura que se chama Advanced Computational Methods. Estamos a aprender a traballar coa derivada de Laplace e algunhas cousiñas máis. Sólo uns cantos espavilados decidimos facer esa asignatura, coitados de nós. Isto provocou que Alex dixese que a materia era só para advanzadillos, polo que lle quedou ese nome. Aquí estan os meus tres compañeiros de clase.

a man de Pepe (Spain), Gabriel (Galiza), Atila (Hungria) e Mate (Hungria)

De Esquerda a dereita: a man de Pepe (Spain), Gabriel (Galiza), Atila (Hungría) e Mate (Hungría)

7 Respostas to “Advanzadillos”

  1. Perillita sesy sesy 😀

  2. Verrry Guttt picture my friend! :))

  3. For that peopple that doesnt understand the previous commet:

    Our teacher is a russian girl that uses to tell us “verrrz Guttt” with her characteristic russian accent.

    Thanks for your comment, Mate. You will can read the text when Google had Galician English translator. xD

  4. Russian accent can be really hard… Hope you can understand at least a part of what she says..
    And also really nice pic, guys!))))))

  5. Or can be so sweet as yours 😉

  6. thx….:)

  7. the russian teacher… is hot?

    She teaches showing her boobs?

    Merry x+ raul!

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